2006 - Monterey

In February, HP gave us a weekend in Monterey and we spent time in the Aquarium.
Otters at play in Monterey Bay
Otters at play in Monterey Bay
Otters at play in Monterey Bay
Upside down jellies. The reflections off the black marbles look like stars in space.
Video: Upside down jellies in motion -- as if they were flying through space
Endlessly swimimming up and down...
Video: A wall of jellyfish
A lot of filiments
Caught in mid-flap
Even in a still photo, it looks to be moving
Video: Apparently random motion
Video: Swimming slowly
Video: More swimming jellyfish
Video: Swimming in circles
Art imitating life...
A display of Rick Savata jellyfish
Some Savata glass jellyfish are on display at the Aquarium. We gave one to Tevya. This is a link to his web site.