Big Island
Big Island
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20190530 155337 001
Noah climbed all over.
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Noah climbed all over.
20190530 155629 001
Surveying the lava field.
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Surveying the lava field.
20190530 155454
The red color generally comes from iron
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The red color generally comes from iron
20190530 155751
Some of the colors are more vivid than others.
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Some of the colors are more vivid than others.
IMG 8638
Our Airbnb in Volcano village. It was very comfortable. But it did rain for much of the time we were here.
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Our Airbnb in Volcano village. It was very comfortable. But it did rain for much of the time we were here.
Noah 0439
What we could see from the kitchen. (Noah)
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What we could see from the kitchen. (Noah)
IMG 0001
Pleny of sitting room
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Pleny of sitting room
IMG 0002
A nice kitchen and dining area. Notice the space heater; not only did it rain, it was also cold at times.
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A nice kitchen and dining area. Notice the space heater; not only did it rain, it was also cold at times.
IMG 8639
We visited the Punalu'u Black Sand Beach on Friday. The sand really is black.
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We visited the Punalu'u Black Sand Beach on Friday. The sand really is black.
IMG 8645
Some of the sand is fine-grained, but a lot of it is covered with stones, making it difficult to walk on.
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Some of the sand is fine-grained, but a lot of it is covered with stones, making it difficult to walk on.
IMG 8648
Not sure what the plants at the tideline are, but they are colorful.
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Not sure what the plants at the tideline are, but they are colorful.
IMG 8655
First we saw the sign...
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First we saw the sign...
IMG 8654
Punalu'u is frequented by sea turtles. You can't see it in this picture, but the area is ribboned off to keep people away from the turtles.
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Punalu'u is frequented by sea turtles. You can't see it in this picture, but the area is ribboned off to keep people away from the turtles.
ELPH 0010
The beach presented many opportunities for Noah to climb and he took each one.
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The beach presented many opportunities for Noah to climb and he took each one.
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These turtles were completely still most of the time, but would sometimes flounder forward a foot or two.
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These turtles were completely still most of the time, but would sometimes flounder forward a foot or two.
ELPH 0009
Close up of a green sea turtle
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Close up of a green sea turtle
IMG 8661
More rocks, more climbing
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More rocks, more climbing
IMG 8662
This slope was a little steeper than the others, but no trouble for Noah.
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This slope was a little steeper than the others, but no trouble for Noah.
IMG 8664
There was only a little bit of surf near this beach.
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There was only a little bit of surf near this beach.
IMG 8665
Nice view of the beach and surrounding palm trees
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Nice view of the beach and surrounding palm trees