We have a trip planned for this fall and thought this would be a good way to keep you updated on what we are seeing and doing.

We have put together several pages so you can follow us on this trip. We’ll try to post some pictures and comments every day or two.

We are going to Turkey, Prague and Ireland. In Turkey we are taking a private tour but in Prague and Ireland we will be on our own.

We will be more or less in touch all the time we are away from home, but time and distance will make things a little tricky and probably slower.

If you call us at our home number (505.473.0825), we will get the forwarded call when we go online to Comcast. If you call on my cell number (505.231.4195), the call will go to my cell, but I will keep that off most of the time. When we call back, it will be on Skype in order to make the call affordable.

If you send an email to me (moriartysm@gmail.com) I will see it when we go online and will try to respond. I put the time in Istanbul (or Prague or Ireland) on the page so you will have some idea of the time difference and guess at when we are likely to see email or calls.