September 10, 2018
Patricia and I were not planning on taking a second vacation trip in 2018. But we encountered some lucky circumstances that will make it possible to go to Ireland for a couple of weeks in October.
We have wanted to return to Ireland since the fall of 2010, when we last visited. We were there for just about a week. We drove around the west counties, but we have always wanted to see more. So, we keep our eyes open for travel bargains. A few weeks ago, I got an email from Aer Lingus (the Irish national airline) that offered very low airfare from Boston to Dublin–if we traveled on specific dates. That sounded good, but how to get to Boston–affordably? It turns out that we had a free companion ticket on Delta which we could use. The net is that we will be able to go to Ireland for less than the cost of a single fare to Madrid.
We will stay in Dublin, Kilkenny, Kinsale, Sneem, Dingle, Ennis, and Athlone. Our plan is to find lots of archaeological sites and vistas. There are plenty of both in Ireland. We have been looking at maps and lists of sites in preparation. We also hope to find some Irish music as well. To that end we have booked a “pub crawl” for our first night in Dublin.
I’m trying a new approach for pictures this time. Instead of having individual picture pages for each of the stops on our trip, I am simply going to link to an “album” of pictures of the same type I prepare after each vacation. That will help me–and you, I hope–to see the pictures in an easier fashion. It is much quicker for me to add pictures and captions using the album than doing individual pages.
I’ll try to remember to include a map for each day’s drive, but I’ve already created a map on the Maps page so you can get a sense of where we will be going.
Comments are always appreciated.