Saturday, the 22nd of May, was pleasant in the morning, but by noon, it turned stormy. By 4:30 we had been hit by 4 hailstorms. There was lightning, thunder, and more rain than we had seen for a while. Not real rain, you understand, like you would find in Seattle, Florida, or the Midwest, but meaningful rain for Santa Fe. Our rain gauge showed more than .5 inches in total. The path of the storms went right over our our house for several hours. Downtown Santa Fe didn’t get much rain and the airport, which is only a few miles away, recorded only 0.06 inches of rain.

Because weather like this (we had a tornado warning just a few days before) is so unusual, I took some pictures and video.

Here is a short video of the first hailstorm. It seemed pretty loud and active, but it turned out that each of the successive storms was stronger.

Short video of first hailstorm
According to Patricia, this is “marble-size”
She collected some to save in the freezer

The last storm cell, after 4:00pm, was loud and and there were lots of hailstones. The next video runs about 2 minutes.

The last hailstorm was much more active and louder
The hailstones from the last cell were much larger
The street was covered with hailstones and running with water
Minutes after the storm, the sky cleared rapidly.